Around 9 000 BC
let the gods the Atlantis engulf the sea, according to myth.

Around 4 000 BC
the old empire is based in Egypt. At the same time, the flourishing Minoan bronsålderskulturen in Crete.

In the mid-1500s BC
exploding island of Thera north of Crete
with a crack. The majority of the population has already saved itself to other islands in the Mediterranean.
A time later
burned the palaces of Knossos and Faistos in Crete, probably by the invading Greeks. The Minoan civilization will disappear and be replaced by the mycenska from the Greek mainland.

Solon, got the story of Atlantis from Egypt.

Around the year

1000 BC
fought the Trojan War.

559 BC
death of the Athenian legislator and poet Solon, known as one of Greece seven wise men, after having visited the temples of Saïs in Egypt.

499 BC
rebel the Ionian cities in Asia Minor coast against the Persians.

490 BC
defeated the Persians at Marathon.

480-479 BC
perserkungen Serse invades Greece with his English and burn Athens. But the Greeks will lower the Persian fleet at Salamis, and perserhären defeated a year later at Plataiai. At the same time, defeated a karthagisk fleet off Sicily.

431-404 BC
Peloponnesiska fought the war, ending with the Athens and Sparta occupies dictatorship imposed under "The thirty tyrants."

399 BC
executed the philosopher Socrates in Athens. But his pupil Plato founded years

380 BC
a school called the Academy. He is writing a series of fictitious philosophical discussions, dialogues, in which Socrates often participates as teacher. In two of the dialogues told Atlantis on the island world. One of Plato's students named Aristotle, who in turn around years.

335 BC
founded a philosophical school named Lycæum. Aristotle hired later by the Macedonian King Philip II to beat a little savage wit of his son Alexander, the years

336-323 BC
add during the greater part of the then known world before his death in Babylon, 33 years old.